Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dumas says national strike failed to embarrass gov't

Labour Minister Rennie Dumas told reporters Tuesday the attempt to shut down the country for two days failed and he commended citizens for not heeding a strike call by a group calling itself People's Democracy.

The group, which comprises dozens of member organizations including trade unions, called for a total shutdown as a protest against the government.

Read the story:
People's Democracy national strike to start Monday

Dumas said the group had hoped to embarrass the Government in front of world leaders who are coming to Port of Spain this week for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).

The Downtown Owners and Merchants Association (DOMA) told the Express newspaper the business in the city was not affected. However DOMA president Gregory Aboud admitted that Tuesday was a slow day.

Aboud did not give credit to People's Democracy, attributing the slowdown to bad weather. "The weather was ominous, that may have contributed to the slow day," he told the paper.

The Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers Association (TTUTA disagreed, noting that about 8,000 of the nation's 14,000 teachers stayed away from classes.

Other organizations that were part of the protest are still making an assessment.

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Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai