In a media release Tuesday he said nothing must get in the way of "the pursuit of truth, transparency, accountability, justice and the protection of the public’s interest."
Warner was responding to media reports that the UDeCOTT Board will consider seeking a variation of the court’s Interim Order with a condition that it be given 28 days notice if the Uff Commission of Enquiry intends to hold another sitting, receive evidence or to submit a report of its findings.
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He said if this condition is granted, the work of the Commission will still remain obstructed "since the tenure of the Commission has less than 28 days left so unless there is an extension of the Commission’s tenure the Commission will not be able to receive critical evidence that remains outstanding".
He noted that UDeCOTT's rights still remain intact if the organization attends sittings, raises valid objections during the tendering of evidence and cross examination of witnesses as it has done in the past.
"The UDeCOTT Board is acting directly contrary to the assurances given by the Honourable Attorney General in the Parliament on October 1 and is therefore a law unto itself acting outside of the control of the government," the MP said.
"The public has lost confidence in the UDeCOTT Board to put the public’s interest first," he said, adding that the government still has the power "to save the Commission of Enquiry and it must act immediately."
He demanded the immediate dismissal of the whole UDeCOTT board and appoint a new one with a mandate to cooperate fully with the Uff Commission of Enquiry.
He demanded the immediate dismissal of the whole UDeCOTT board and appoint a new one with a mandate to cooperate fully with the Uff Commission of Enquiry.
"Otherwise this charade that has cost this country tens of millions of dollars will continue and it will do so at even further cost, disappointment and trauma to the taxpayers of Trinidad and Tobago," he said.
"The Commission of Enquiry must remain free and unhindered...to settle the issues that continue to heap agony upon the minds of the population including and especially the issue of corruption and the questionable handling of billions of public dollars," Warner said.
"The Commission of Enquiry must remain free and unhindered...to settle the issues that continue to heap agony upon the minds of the population including and especially the issue of corruption and the questionable handling of billions of public dollars," Warner said.
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