Friday, October 23, 2009

Rowley remains PNM team member: PM Manning

Prime Minister Patrick Manning told reporters Thursday Diego Martin West MP Dr Keith Rowley will continue to be a member of the People's National Movement (PNM) in the Parliament.

Speaking in Tobago after a special cabinet meeting in the island he said, "Dr Rowley remains a member of the PNM team in the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago."

He added, "There have been issues, some of which came out in the Parliament yesterday (Wednesday) and the day before, but the fact of the matter is that these are challenges that have to be addressed, and we will be seeking to address them and the political business of the country continues to progress."

He was speaking about his remarks about Rowley in the House of Representatives when he said that if opposed the former cabinet minister acts like a "raging bull" and said he had to endure Rowley's bad behaviour for 12 years.

He also linked Rowley to the Ramjack team of the opposition United National Congress.

Read the story:
Manning suggests Rowley is part of RAMJACK team

Tobago Chief Secretary Orville London, who attended the cabinet meeting added his thoughts on the matter.

"If you look at any political organisation," London said, "there are times when there are going to be ups and downs...People make their decisions to a large extent on self-interest and that is what it should be...and I believe all of these issues will be resolved as time goes on."

London also defended UDeCOTT for the delay in compling several projects in the island, including including the Financial Complex, Roxborough Housing Development and the Scarborough Regional Library.

He said UDeCOTT is not at fault and blamed the delay on the previous process of "design/tender as opposed to its current design/build approach".

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