Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Letter: Should the UNC be a home for convicted felons?

Mr. Basdeo Panday is both amusing and confusing.

He amuses by telling the UNC Congress that the party must not be a haven for money launderers and international con men, but confuses by not saying that it should not also be a home for those convicted by our courts.

He amuses by saying the party should not be used by those interested in personal gain, but confuses by his non reference to those who have hefty foreign bank accounts.

He amuses by saying the party is healing but confuses by recommencing indirect attacks on his colleagues.

He amuses by saying that his Executive is yet to receive reports on indiscipline from his disciplinary committee, but confuses in not stating that his Executive has failed to attract a quorum in the last month.

Mr Panday clearly lacks the moral authority to attack anyone until such time as his name is cleared on the very serious corruption charges for which he is currently out on bail.

He would do well to allow the brief moments of peace to blossom into something concrete for the party.

He shouldn’t attempt to recommence the bacchanal.

The call for him to step down, loudly supported by the audience on Sunday, is a reflection that is support base is dwindling.

It is the first time in my memory that anyone has moved such a motion at a UNC Congress. He must now face the reality and give way.

Those who have been advocating change, particularly Mr. Jack Warner have consistently called for fresh elections.

Warner was chastised for this, but now the supporters are recognising the wisdom in his advice. Warner has clearly been vindicated.

The supporters are tired of all the old talk. They simply want to put their country right again and the only way that will happen is by a change of government through a renewed, reinvigorated, reunited United National Congress led by an Executive that is finally chosen by its membership.

Failure to do that is political conmanship and political laundering at its best.

Call the elections and let democracy prevail. Let the people decide who would lead; whether it is Warner or Kamla, Ramesh or Vasant, Chandresh or Partap.

Nigel Salick | Penal, via email

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai