Friday, October 16, 2009

Letter: Get your act together or "crapaud smoke we pipe"

National Security Minister Martin Joseph's comment on the Chinese workers recent claim to being unjustly treated by their employer, and unpaid or underpaid, has been that "that is a matter involving employer and employee".

And just who is the employer? Udecott's contractor perhaps? Now, the big question is - who is Udecott's boss?

We do know that Patrick Manning, as Prime Minister of the Republic, is responsible for the formation of Udecott, so one would have to presume that he at least, since they do not appear to be responsible to or have a line minister, is at least THE BOSS.

His professed reason for creation of the entity, speed and cost efficiency, has also fallen abysmally short.

His palace was one of the few delivered in time. Cost and time overruns are part and parcel of the Udecott performance.

Given what has recently taken place with regard to stymieing of the Uff Enquiry one can only deduce that they have either ignored his directives or he is in agreement with their utilising State funds to fight state orders...... or he was abysmally inefficient in his position as our leader when this monster came to life!

No commercial board of directors would dare such action - they would have been removed forthwith. Mr. Duprey certainly was. Why are Mr. Calder Hart et al being treated with kid gloves?

How can the Prime Minister countenance such action? Who's afraid of who - and why? Is it a case of Undercott and not Udecott? Our Unions are not similarly respected.

The Prime Minister has ably demonstrated that he has no respect for his electorate - in fact he is demonstrating his utter contempt for same, delaying local government elections ad infinitum etc.

To add insult to injury Udecott have now effectively snubbed their nose at us (who pay their wages) and handed out a lucrative contract to the very entity under question in the Enquiry, without even putting the matter out to tender even! And the official Government silence continues.

Now, as boss of the nation Patrick Manning is having no difficulty telling us citizens what we can and cannot do - without even accounting for expenditure of our tax dollars to besides.

Where is the public accounting for expenditure since 2001?

All we see is increasing Budgets, often promising and providing funding for the same things as the previous year's (or years) budget(s).

What then happened to the previous allocations if the building, helicopter or whatever is not yet visible? We do know that he is now going to borrow funds to provide some of the schools that somehow did not see the light of day!

Under those circumstances, presumably we will now at least get the schools budgeted for in the present budget (and pay interest on the monies borrowed to besides).

Time does not permit getting into the question of constitutional reform save to say that that would be a case of "crapaud smoke we pipe" - which is almost the case already anyway it would seem, it would only then be official (and too late to challenge).

But I forgot. We have to stay focussed on the Opposition mayhem, so let us all continue to stay focussed on Basdeo Panday and not Patrick Manning. That is exactly what Patrick Manning wants! In the meantime, don't complain about your rights being infringed on or taken away.

It is up to each and every one of us to take a stand now, because at the end of the day even Cepep - and big business et al - will be suffering (together at last!).

Is that the kind of unity that we really want?

Wake up and get your act together, it is later than you think.

Concentrate on the common enemy, and join forces against it. The alternative is too horrible to contemplate.

Virginia Verity | via e-mail

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai