And he said he proposes to take the matter to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) taking place in Port of Spain in November.
In a media statement from Cairo where he is on official FIFA business, Warner said it has become necessary to alert the international community of the Manning administration's "incompetence" that has led to "immeasurable human rights violations against these workers."
The opposition shadow foreign affairs minister said the government's mismanagement has "contravened and breached our obligation to United Nations Human Rights Treaties as well International Labour Organization’s conventions on the rights of workers."
Warner pointed out that several months ago he brought to the attention of the government allegations of abuse and exploitation of the expatriate workers but the matter was ignored.
"Had the Minister been true and faithful to his Ministerial oath, this investigation would have been launched subsequent to my request during the Budget debate," the MP said.
He added that at the time he provided documentary evidence of working contracts that clearly pointed to "an unbridled flouting and contravention of the law. But the PNM sat in its customary self imposed political coma and waited for the predictable protest to be coaxed into action."
He is bothered that while the labour minister "basks in political slumber", his ministerial colleague, National Security Minister Martin Joseph, is content to dismiss the affair as "a matter involving employer and employee”.
Warner said, "That passing of the buck does not only contradict the actions of his Cabinet colleague but is also a masterpiece of political denial, deflection and dereliction.
"The Minister is reminded that these workers have been contracted to work by private companies which have been engaged by the State to work on Government projects.
"It means that the State has a vicarious liability to these workers. To shift responsibility to a private company which has been contracted by the State, borders on political recklessness and irresponsibility," Warner said.
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