Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Editorial: It's time to end the battles and unite to win the war

Anyone who believes Tuesday's decision to drop all charges against the RAMJACK trio did not have the blessing of Basdeo Panday must be truly naive. Nothing happens in the United National Congress (UNC) without his approval.

I have worked with him as a communication consultant when he was prime minister and when he was outside of government. And my experience is that he listens to valid suggestions and acts on them if he can see good value. He also knows when it's time to close the book.

In this context, while he is silent on what took place it is clear that certain power brokers and advisers would have sat down with him and convinced him that this is the way to go. His sojourn overseas always allows him to sort out such matters.

And if this is indeed what has happened, then there is hope yet that the UNC can rise again in partnership with other opposition parties to be the vehicle to remove the People's National Movement (PNM) from office.

The danger, however, is that some people can see this as an opportunity to pounce on the UNC leader and continue a campaign to kick him out of the party that he and a few dedicated supporters launched more than 20 years ago.

Panday is a good deal maker and after more than four decades in politics both in government and in opposition his political smarts are needed in any movement. He is no doubt ready to retire, but if people push him he will fight back as he has done in the past.

When his party lost the 2002 general election he made it very clear at a caucus at which I was present that he was tired and needed to retire. He went so far to establish a committee to handle the transition and select a new leader.

But that committee never functioned and never made any attempt to carry out its mandate. One member told me that I was foolish to believe that the "chief" was serious about leaving. However, despite the non-performance of that committee, the "chief" did leave and literally handed over the party to Winston Dookeran.

And my guess is he is ready again to trust someone else to carry the torch.

Today, the best political move that the UNC can make is to embrace the platform for change, clean up its membership list, court new members and have an open election in which anyone can run. In these days of unprecdented accusations of corruption, transparency and accountabilty are qualties that would attract hordes of new members.

There is nothing in that platform for change that is in conflict with the UNC's mission and vision; indeed it is written as a UNC document and praises the leader for his contribution to nation building. And it urges unity with other political movements.

Read the story: Warner's manifesto for change honours Panday

Tuesday's move by the party's national executive is a quantum leap forward. Now it needs to take the second giant step and unite for the significant battle ahead.

On the other side, the RAMJACK team must also show its willingness to stand by its declared aim of rebuilding the party and returning it to Whitehall.

The most unproductive development from this would be for RAMJACK to trumpet it as a great victory and to allow its supporters to try to demonize Panday. Whatever anybody might say or do, Panday still commands support among a small, but dwindling constituency of the UNC heartland.

Those who support him are watching and won't allow anyone to trample on the only leader they have known and supported for 40 years. No one should underestimate their power; their numbers are small but small numbers caused an 18-18 tie that put Patrick Manning in government.

And just look at what has happened since then.

The people are ready to change their government, if only because of the UDeCOTT scandal which is the worst to ever surface. It's so bad, we are seeing today an open confrontation between the prime minister and a former senior PNM cabinet minister who is appealing to his own party to fight against corruption.

It's almost a perfect political storm waiting to sweep away the PNM, but only a united opposition can hope to benefit from it.

The Congress of the People is ready to talk unity and change. The signals from Rienzi are also positive. The only matter that needs to be settled is who will lead.

Warner has said he would stand with any leader so long as the membership elects that person in a free and fair election. If the politicians and their supporters truly want to work to save the nation, then they have to seize this opportunity and move forward.

It's time to summon the troops to prepare for victory.

To quote the late Michael Manley, "So comrades, if you walking with me, we walking together, we moving together, we moving as one; And no force in heaven or earth can stop us!"

Jai Parasram | Toronto - Oct. 21, 2009

1 comment:

Bahtman said...

YES! Let's hope the Opposition has the wisdom to see what is in their best interest, and incidentally, the best interest of the nation.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai