Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A reader's opinion on 185 Sheppard

And so the dance begins!

Note how the price of the Toronto building has now increased from CAD$4.25 Million to CAD$5 Million - even though the $4.25 Million price was already suspect for a myriad of reasons, including the fact that $4.25 Million is the FULL advertized MLS list price, and the fact that the same MLS shows that the building was purchased one month AFTER the MLS listing had expired.

So what is the additional CAD$750,000 for? Or did the Minister 'mis-speak'?

Also, now we are given a price tag for the mysterious Washington building that was rumoured to have cost US$17 Million - the Minister says it in fact cost US$12 Million - and one can only wonder what the MLS list price on THAT building was.

Anyone wants to bet it was US$11.25 Million or less? Or maybe, in her next interview, the Minister will announce it in fact cost $15 Million or more.

And of course no price is given for the building that was secretly purchased in New York - long enough ago that it is already occupied and in use - so the jury is very much still out on that one.

Note too the sudden turnaround in the stated rationale for the building purchases overall - it is no longer to 'house' the diplomatic staff as she previously stated; it is now rather to provide more comfortable surroundings and therefore somehow provide better 'stakeholder' service as a result (whatever that means).

What is perplexing in the max is the good Minister's reportedly STRESSING, vis the Toronto property, that in addition to the property being "in an ideal area for serving the stakeholders seeking consular services in Toronto", it additionally provides "easy access to transportation, healthcare, banking and other services".


Since when is it the function of ANY Consulate to offer "easy access to transportation, healthcare, banking and other services"? For who? The staff of the Consulate? The 'stakeholders'? Is it a health requirement to be able to access the consular services now?

As for 'transportation' - this is east end Toronto we are talking about here, not some back-woods wilderness outpost. And banking? Again, for whom? Why not throw in supermarkets and cinemas for good measure - they are as relevant (or irrelevant) as these other 'services' that the Minister 'stresses'.

This is really snatching at straws to try to justify the Toronto building's purchase, and the Minister needs to explain what exactly she meant in evoking those justifications - AND also explain the mysterious additional $750,000.

Following her train of thought, I suppose the building in Washington will offer easy access to museums, shopping arcades, and the chance to meet President Obama, and thus is well worth the US$12 Million price tag.

And the New York building is strategically located in the pizza and dry goods districts, so 'stakeholders' can get cheap clothing and enjoy New York style pizzerias while accessing consular services...

Give me a break!

The Minister needs to be cornered and have the hard questions answered, clearly and properly - no more mysteries. Want to bet that she will have to be rescued by Imbert or Narace if she is quizzed and starts to fumble the ball?

Come on, media - you CAN do better than this!!!

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai