Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is Manning really above board? - A reader's letter

It is all very well for Attorney General John Jeremie to accuse Martin Daly of making "convenient statements", when the latter questioned Manning's veto of Carla Browne-Antoine's nomination for the post of Director of Public Prosecutions.

In trying to defend Manning, Jeremie stated that the Prime Minister had the right to veto people whom he thought unacceptable for executive positions.

"We should all be cogniscant of the fact that there should be a presumption that the Prime Minister will not act capriciously in making appointments to executive positions.....", Jeremie stated.

Well, I agree with you, Mr. AG, there "should be" such a presumption.

However, you "conveniently" neglected to state that there have recently been a string of Court decisions which have shown that Patrick Manning has betrayed any such trust we could have reposed in him in this regard.

Peter O'Connor
via email

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Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai