On Thursday the executive decided to haul Maharaj and his parliamentary colleague Winston "Gypsy" Peters before a disciplinary committee to answer several charges, including a breach of party guidelines for voting in Parliament and bringing the party into disrepute.
Read the story: Ramesh, Gypsy to face UNC disciplinary committee
Maharaj had made at least two requests to the UNC secretariat for particulars of the alleged disciplinary charges in order for him to properly respond but so far he has got no details.
The release said that fact alone would be adequate grounds for any charges to be dismissed, adding that "Mr. Maharaj has no doubt that the entire disciplinary process is not only unlawful, but would be held by the rank and file of the membership to be wrong."
It added, "Mr. Maharaj is of the view that Mr. Panday and the entire executive should instead be disciplined. They are the ones who are bringing the party into disrepute. Mr. Maharaj has no doubt that the membership of the party would ultimately discipline them and would move a motion of no confidence in them."
Maharaj's correspondence to the party has stated that the national executive does not have the power to do what it is doing and that its actions are based on bias. He stated further the executive's actions are ultra vires the constitution of the UNC.
His letters also charged that the various units and organs of the party are not functioning and that they are under the control of the political leader who manipulates them "for his own purpose".
Maharaj also complained that the party's financial membership list is not available for scrutiny and that the party's accounts have not been audited.
The release stated that Maharaj is of the view that the executive does not have the mandate of the rank and file of the membership of the party to take any disciplinary action.
"In any event members calling for change within the party, members calling for internal elections to be held in the party and members fighting for democracy within the party are not committing acts of indiscipline but are instead promoting the aims and objects of the party. They are upholding the constitution of the party," the release said.
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