Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Panday, Warner trade blows on $$ issue for Chaguanas

United National Congress (UNC) Leader Basdeo Panday on Monday issued a news release calling on Chaguanas West MP jack Warner to help out workers in Chagua nas by putting $300,000 of the $30 million "he admittedly received on behalf of the UNC prior to the last general election" to help workers at the Chaguanas Borough Corporation workers".

Both politicians have been trying to score points on the issue of 54 workers who had to be retrenched because the borough was short of funds to pay them.

Panday met some of the affected people last week and subsequently wrote the prime minister pleading for money to pay wages to keep the workers - mostly single mothers - employed.

Warner returned from a FIFA trip in Nigeria and on Monday presented the corporation with a cheque for $309,000 to pay the wage bill up to the end of September.

That caused Panday to react with the recurring accusation that Warner received millions and has so far failed to account for the money.

Not to be outdone, Warner fired back. "Tell Mr Panday that it would be a nice gesture on his part if he also takes a small part of the $10 million in his English bank account to join me".

Warner has always denied receiving any funds and has told the UNC to provide specific details about the charge. He has said if a donor wanted to hand over that much money to a political party it would be illogical not to give it to the party's leader.

"I don't have to answer for Mr Panday and his foolishness. All I would say to him is since he knows what I should do, join me with some of the money from the English bank account." Warner said.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai