Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Crippling fear! A letter from DPTT leader Steve Alvaraez

Maracas beach development is reportedly contracted to a foreign contractor at a time when local contractors are struggling for survival, yet there is silence from the unions and local contractors.

Many citizens are unhappy about the state of our nation. The political party that once piloted the Alien’s landholding Act and required that foreign businesses have majority local shareholders is now the party that has allowed the influx and influence of foreigners to our shores.

It seems as though there is a belief that local means sub standard. The puzzling factor, however, is the apparent silence from those affected.

Businesses are awaiting payment from government and are willing to wait while their foreign counterparts are paid and afraid to complain for fear that they might be blacklisted.

Politicians are afraid to comment on the failures of the government for fear of persecution or in some instances prosecution.

The average man on the street is living in fear of crime and political victimization. Businesses are fearful that they might lose their contracts.

Citizens clutch unto their Priority Bus Route passes, their CEPEP and URP contracts and their periodical invitations to cocktail events guardedly as they fear any attempt to speak about their dream for a better Trinidad & Tobago can be seen as disloyalty and ultimately lead to their economic and social demise.

This is the fear that has gripped Trinidad & Tobago.

Our businesses are silent, our unions are silent, and our media is silent as we bow to the dictates of a government that seems to dislike even its own supporters and citizens.

As we approach another anniversary of our independence, now is the time to stand up for the red, white and black.

Now is the time for all the brave, patriotic citizens of Trinidad & Tobago to say enough is enough.

The message must be clear: "This is not about politics....this is about saving Trinidad & Tobago."

We are not about to sit back and have our country’s resources delivered to foreigners once again. Not this time, never again. We must save our resources and wealth for the well being of our citizens, our children and our children’s children.

Say no to foreign influence and control of our nation’s resources.

Stand up now for T&T.

Steve Alvarez | Political Leader of The Democratic Party of Trinidad & Tobago

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai