In a letter dated July 24 signed by acting General Secretary Glenn Ramadharsingh the party has summoned Warner to a meeting of the National Executive on Wednesday July 29th, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. at the Rienzi Complex to " to explain your conduct".
Warner is in the United States for a meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday afternoon. He is scheduled to return home on Tuesday and plans to deal with the issue then. He has not said if he will attend the UNC executive meeting.
The party has outlined more than two dozen issues that it says requires explanations from the UNC deputy leader. They range from public statements critical of the party and its leaders to holding unauthorized meetings and voting with the People's National Movement (PNM) in Parliament.
It is also demanding an explanation and accounting for large sums of money allegedly receieved by Warner on behalf of the party.
The charges as outlined by the party are listed below:
- It is alleged that, inter alia, you made the following statements and participated in the following:
- On or about the 28th November 2008 in an interview with the Express Newspaper at Parliament building you said words to the effect, that the UNC A is dormant and that there is dire need for internal party elections
- On or about the 30th November 2008...you said words to the effect that the party should not be led by one man and his dog
- On or about the 11th December 2008 you said to the Trinidad and Tobago Express words to the effect that apparently that there was one law for Basdeo Panday and one law for everyone else in the party
- On or about the 6th January 2009 you told the Newsday words to the effect, that it was a fight to the finish, that certainly Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj and you will not lose the fight, that some people will have to accept that change is inevitable, and that there was no way that you were prepared to continue with the UNC party if it was business as usual
- On or about 8th February 2009 at Gaston Court, Chaguanas, while addressing a meeting organized by the T& T Civil Right Association at which the Press was present, without the approval of and/or consultation with the National Executive of the UNC Party, you outlined a bailout plan for the Hindu Credit Union, implicating the UNC and knowing the same to be false
- On or about the 15th February 2009 you said to Newsday words to the effect:
- that there was dictatorial rule within the UNC, that you and Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj would continue battling for change to ensure that the party wins the next general elections; that you and Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj believe that MPs, members of the National Executive and the Parliamentary Caucus lacked courage to stand up for the rights of members and supporters of the party when they are threatened with dictatorial rule
- On or about the 9th March 2009: on a Radio Programme you falsely stated words to the effect that the Members of Parliament for Caroni East and St. Augustine had been secretly canvassing members of the Syrian community for change of the Leadership of the UNC; In an interview with Newsday you said words to the effect that the said two MPs had spoken to several persons inside the Syrian community about leadership change in the UNC
- On or about the 13th March 2009 in the St. Augustine Constituency of Member of Parliament of MP Vasant Bharat you took part in a public political meeting using the party's name and symbol without the consent and/or in contravention of the directives of the NATEX regarding the holding of public meetings under the banner of the UNC
- On or about the 22nd March 2009 at Rienzi Complex Couva you, together with others, led a mob of persons into the compound of the Rienzi Complex and urged them to forcibly and unlawfully enter and disrupt a lawfully constituted UNC National Congress meeting which was in progress at the time on the upper floor of the Rienzi Complex
- It is alleged that on or about 27th March 2009 at Canque Junction Biche, you organized and/or participated in a public political meeting using the party's name and symbol without the permission and/or consent and/or in contravention of the directives of the NATEX regarding the holding of Public Meetings
- On the 31st March 2009 in a Statement to the Press, you said inter alia:- That you had written the Deputy Speaker requesting that you move from the front bench of the Opposition in the Parliament, if Ramesh Maharaj was removed as the Chief Whip; That no one could prevent you from occupying the back bench and that the party cannot tell you where to sit and that you do not have the intention of being one of Panday's lackeys. The above actions were taken by you without the consent and/or permission of the Chief Whip and/or of the NATEX.
- In a Press Release on the 1st April 2009 you said inter alia, words to the effect that the appointment of Dr. Hamza Rafeeq as the Chief Whip was an April Fool’s joke and that his performance in the Parliament has been way below the belt and that it appeared that the least performing MP was given the go ahead to be the decision maker for Opposition MP's
- On or about the 2nd April 2009 in a telephone interview with the media, you said words to the effect :- That you would resist any move to prevent you and Ramesh Maharaj from taking up seats in the back bench in the Parliament; That nobody could tell you where you can or cannot sit so you will sit on the back bench
- On or about the 8th June 2009 at the Chaguanas West Constituency, Caroni Savannah Road, at a Press Conference you stated inter alia, words to the effect:-
- That more and more the National Executive was becoming illegal; That Panday handpicked his brother Subhas Panday and daughter Mickela and other persons to fill vacant posts on the executive which seemed to fear the ballot box. That if they were so brave let them (members of the NATEX) have elections in the party and if that pushed them out then so be it; The only person in the UNC who had to benefit from a deal with the PNM was Mr. Panday and that you had no court case. You further condemned and rejected the unity talk mandated by the UNC NATEX between Kamla Persad Bissessar and her team and, Dr. Kirk Meighoo as "cosmetic"
- On or about the 10th July 2009 you said to the Trinidad Express words to the effect that Panday has a plan to keep you, Ramesh Maharaj and Winston Peters out of the Party’s internal elections, but you have devised a counter plan with Maharaj and Peters
- On or about 11th July 2009 at a Public Political meeting at Rio Claro you challenged the Political Leader to expel you from the party for voting in favour of the Securities Bill 2009 in the Parliament and said,inter alia, words to the effect:- That you wanted to ask Bas if he does not have enough court problems on his hands, let him try to expel you; that the Monday night forum has become Monday night wakes, where abuse of Ramesh, Gypsy, and Jack was the order for the day; the UNC will not win another election
- On or about the 12th July 2009 you organized and/or participated in a Public meeting using the party's symbol and name without the consent and/or in contravention of the directives of the NATEX. In a Press release dated the 13th of July 2009,you said inter alia:- How can Mr. Panday argue against Manning tomorrow when Panday does not advocate for elections in his own party; You made this statement fully cognizant of the fact that the party had postponed the internal party elections
- On or about the 13th July 2009 at Quarry Street East Port of Spain during a public rally you said inter alia, words to the effect:- That you regard Panday as the biggest ally to Patrick Manning; That if Basdeo Panday lost his position in the Party all opposing parties would get together and elect a leader and oppose Manning
- On or about the 13th day of July 2009 at Port of Spain and Diego Martin Main Road you organized and/or participated in a public procession and public meetings without the consent and/or approval of the NATEX of the UNC and used the party's name and symbol without the consent and permission of the said NATEX
- On or about 15th July 2009 at the Chaguanas West Constituency Office at Caroni Savannah Road, at an event at which the press was present, you said words to the effect that you did not trust the utterings of Basdeo Panday regarding the holding of internal party elections, that Panday was untrustworthy and that you could not accept anything coming from his lips as truth
- You voted in Parliament on two occasions contrary to the directives and/or declared policies and/or principles of the party on two occasions, to wit: On 10th July, 2009 with respect to the Securities Bill and on 17th July 2009 with respect to the Emerge4ncy Ambulance Services and Emergency Medical Personnel Bill
- You have failed and/or refused to account for huge sums of money received for and on behalf of the Party despite several requests to do so
- On or about Monday 20th July 2009,in contravention of the directives of the Party, you aided and abetted two UNC Councillors of the Chaguanas Borough Corporation to disobey the directives of the Party to vote for Surujattan Rambachan as an alderman for that Borough, causing them thereby to vote contrary to the Party directive
- On or about the 20th July 2009, you said to the media, words to the effect that Basdeo Panday is next in line after Surujattan Rambachan to be dethroned.
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