Thursday, July 23, 2009

T&T Health minister to investigate discrimination allegations

Jerry Narace verbatim from a speech on July 22, 2009 in reference to recent charges of discrimination made by opposition MP Dr Tim Gopeesingh:

"The words of an opposition parliamentary colleague have served to stir our nation into reflection and disappointed us severely. I want to signal to every member of the national community that we must ensure that we do not allow his untrue and unfair machinations to drive us apart with suspicion and fear.

"We must use his provocative, reprehensible, inaccurate and inflammatory utterances as a rallying call to show that in the face of unwarranted attacks we as a nation remain unified and resilient.

"His words must increase our resolve to come together and rise above hate and race speak. Let us unite to rouse the Health Sector toward a road of positive change, where every single health care worker can become part of a national team - and that should be a truly national team - that will serve the interest of all citizens, regardless of class, race, economic or any other considerations...

"I know that NWRHA has clearly and categorically refuted the claims made by this opposition parliamentary colleague and provided evidence showing that of the thirteen (13) names of doctors that have been given to the press as supposedly having been discriminated against:
  • Eight took VSEP, and were offered re-employment by the North West Regional Health Authority, but did not accept.
  • Two were Members of the University of the West Indies Staff based at the Port of Spain General Hospital and have resigned from that institution.
  • Three resigned voluntarily, at least two of whom took up opportunities elsewhere.
"Moreover, a number of doctors voluntarily came forward to the media to state that they have not witnessed any “ethnic cleansing” or any other discrimination for that matter.

"I assure the national community and I recommit myself to investigating or causing to be investigated every allegation of discrimination of any kind in the public health sector."

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai