Warner made the charge Wednesday night at a meeting of his Platform for Change in El Dorado.
He said Ramnath "called Ramesh, Sylvester Ramquar and I , for a wife-cooked dinner in his home, to plot the demise of Panday" as he told his audience about an alleged plot by the Couva South MP, who is a close ally of Panday.
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Ramnath confirmed to the Trinidad Express Thursday that he has entertained Warner and Maharaj at his home on "several occasions" but he insisted that he never discussed with them any plan for Panday's removal as UNC political leader.
"No. Absolutely not. There was no discussion with me about removing Mr Panday," he declared.
He said such a move would have likely led to Panday's removal as leader of the opposition.
Ramnath called Warner's story a concoction, which he said is a part of a strategy to intimidate him. But he said he won't stay quiet.
Ramnath said while he disagrees with the manner in which Warner and Maharaj are seeking to address their concerns about the leadership of the UNC, he has nothing personal against either of them.
And he said he would never use the term "swine" to describe Warner as Warner alleged On Wednesday.
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