Friday, July 3, 2009

Manning calls lawyers "politicians" for censuring his AG

Prime Minister Patrick Manning said in Guyana Friday the call by the Law Association for the removal of Attorney General John Jeremie. And he promised to address the matter on his return home from the CARICOM summit.

Read the story: Law Association passes no-confidence motion in AG

Manning made the comment a day after Works Minister Colm Imbert also labelled Wednesday's vote of no-confidence against Jeremie a political statement.

Imbert told reporters: "Approximately 100 persons voted for this motion of no confidence against the Attorney General and the inescapable conclusion that one must draw is that most of that 100 were persons politically opposed to the People's National Movement. And therefore the vote must be taken in context."

His comment drew fire from some lawyers, including politician Mickela Panday, the MP for Oropouche West.

In a statement, the daughter of opposition leader Basdeo Panday slammed Imbert for trivializing an important national issue and reminded the minister that holding an opposing view is a part of the tradition of democracy.

"It is ludicrous for Minister Imbert to suggest that everyone who does not support the PNM is biased and their views irrelevant while everyone who does support the PNM is objective and relevant," she said.

And Winston Dookeran, leader of the Congress of the People (COP), added his voice to the ongoing debate, calling for Jeremie's resignation.

Read the story: Dookeran calls on AG to quit; Panday slams Imbert

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai