If there was such a plot, then a full scale investigation should have been launched a long time ago to find out more about it and to bring the perpetrators to justice.
Read the story: Manning reveals plot to assassinate him
The amazing part of this story is that one year after the alleged plot there is still no investigation. That is downright irresponsible, and borders on public mischief.
We are not dealing with a man and his wife getting cut off by would-be assassins on the way to the gym; we are talking about the prime minister and his wife.
Any other country would have pulled out all the stops to get to the bottom of this, which is why Manning's casual anecdotal account of the alleged incident leaves many questions unanswered.
When "someone" walked into his wife's office and announced that there was a plot by an organization to kill Manning why was that person not arrested immediately?
Who was that person and how did she/he reach the minister's office?
And if that person knew of such a serious plot, why didn't he/she name the organization that was plotting the assassination? Why didn't someone ask?
Manning himself admitted in Arima Monday night that he and his wife didn't report the matter. Why? Did they dismiss it as a hoax? If so, why did Manning bring it up now, stating that there was indeed a plot to kill him?
He said it's a good thing they didn't report it because if they had done so there would have been bloodshed on the night of the alleged assassination attempt. That defies logic.
A report to the police would have meant an investigation would have been launched and the Mannings would not have to face the traumatic experience he so flippantly described.
There's something fishy about Manning's story.
Why is he telling it now? What purpose would it serve if he never had any intention of investigating the plot then or now? Or is this a publicity stunt to inject a new bit of intrigue in our bachannal society?
Let's get serious, Prime Minister. If there was a plot, let's get an investigation going to find the plotters and bring them before the courts.
You must explain this to citizens and you must do it now!
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