Thursday, June 25, 2009

UNC "dissidents" case adjourns to June 30

Basdeo Panday made a personal appearance in the Port-of-Spain High Court Wednesday in an injunction brought by three suspended members of the national executive of his United National Congress (UNC).

National Executive members Wade Mark, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, and Vashist Maharaj also attended court.

Three members of the UNC’s national executive took the executive to court for suspending them from the party for three months. The UNC kicked out Dr Rupert Griffith, Sylvester Ramquar and Don Sylvester, accusing them of "bringing the party into disrepute" and being loyalists to MPs Jack Warner, Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj and Winston “Gypsy” Peters, whom the party considers "dissidents".

The suspension letter signed by UNC General Secretary Fazal Karim also accused the three of causing “ridicule and contempt,” and of “supporting and inciting violence against party members at the national congress held on March 22.”

The suspended members are seeking an injunction to restrain the 12 members of the UNC's national executive from further subjecting them to additional disciplinary action pending the hearing and determination of their breach of natural case.

They have asked the court for:

  • A declaration that the conduct of what purports to be a disciplinary hearing into their alleged conduct on May 20, was ultra vires the constitution of the UNC, null and void and of no effect
  • A declaration that the purported hearing into their alleged conduct on May 13 and 20 was in contravention of the principles of natural justice
  • A declaration that the defendants have contravened the principles of natural justice in relation to the suspended members
  • A declaration that the hearing into the allegations of misconduct made by Basdeo Panday was a nullity
  • An order that their purported suspension from the national executive on May 20 for a period of three months were null and void and of no effect
Persad-Bissessar, who is representing the executive, told the court her clients object to certain aspects of the affidavits filed by the defendants. That matter would be addressed when the matter resume on June 30.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai