His letter, which he sent to the news media, said Manning's action showed "a total disconnect between the Government and the problems of the people which adversely affect their daily lives".
Manning spoke in Parliament on Wednesday about what has been described as a financial stimulus plan for the country's eastern Caribbean neighbours. The plan includes a quarry in Dominica, an aircraft maintenance facility in Grenada and a ship maintenance facility in St Vincent and the Grenadines.
Read the story: Manning outlines TT-Caricom stimulus package
Maharaj's letter chastises Manning for demonstrating "a total lack of appreciation by you of the democratic process for the electorate to have a voice in the making by Government of important policy decisions which impact upon their daily lives."
It added, "The electorate and our citizens cannot get their basic problems of governance redressed which problems adversely affect their daily lives, but you, Mr Prime Minister have decided to implement a policy to spend their monies on the Eastern Caribbean without first consulting them."
Maharaj said he is not objecting to any financial assistance for the country's Caribbean neighbours. However he insisted that a decision of such a magnitude should have been made only after input from the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.
Maharaj said he would raise a motion on the issue at Friday's sitting of the House of Representatives.
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