"First of all, I think his use of the word cutlass was unfortunate, having regard that the murder rate has now reached 224 murders in 150 days. It is very unfortunate when you have murders being committed all over the place," the Trinidad Express quoted Panday as saying.
Manning told supporters to sharpen their "political cutlasses" and took a swing at the divisions in the opposition United National Congress Alliance (UNC-A) where there is a leadership squabble involving high profile party officials, including Panday and UNC Deputy Leader Jack Warner.
Manning told the faithful the PNM remains a family with one leader.
Panday tried to turn around Manning's comments to suggest that there is some kind a collusion with the PNM leader and other politicians.
"We know there was a deal...to weaken the UNC, because Mr Manning realizes even though he has spent $200 billion, people still don't have water, in the hospital they can't get a bed, the traffic jams continue, roads are in need of repair, crime is out of control," Panday noted.
He said Manning wants to weaken the UNC to make his party look good ahead of the local elections, which are due this year. But he said that tactic won't work.
The UNC leader said his party is strong and it is dealing with its internal problems. He made it clear that contrary to what Manning and others might believe the UNC is ready for the polls. He added that the people will stand up and defend the party.
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