The UNC Deputy Leader said every citizen is living in fear. "Fear of becoming a victim of crime or violence, fear of rate of erosion of our democracy and fear of authoritarianism and dictatorship."
She said there is a lack of integrity among high officials in positions of trust and the nation is experiencing an environmental threat from Industrialization policy.
She laid the blame for all of it on the Manning administration, which she said is incompetent and lacking in imagination. She suggested that if citizens cannot change the government they must force or convince the Government to change its mind on policies that are wrong. "This is lawful and consistent with the principles of democracy," she said.
Talking about the proposed smelter in La Brea the former Attorney General said the PNM regime is breaching democracy by not engaging in meaningful consultation with the people of the region and the people of the country.
And she promised that a UNC administration will halt all mega- projects until it is convinced of the soundness of each project from an environmental and economic standpoint.
"As a matter of fact I will advocate a review of the Government’s Industrialization policy particularly for the protection of arable lands for food production and for health and safety assurances," she said.
She suggested that the projects offer opportunities for money laundering and the "funneling or processing large amounts of money to reach the pockets of friends of the Prime Minister or friends of the unofficial parallel Cabinet."
Persad-Bissessar called Prime Minister Patrick Manning a megalomaniac who has taken over the country and is handing it to foreigners. She warned that soon "there will be nothing left if he is allowed to give away our inheritance to foreigners."
She said now is the time for national unity, which is the only way to save Trinidad & Tobago from moving from riches to rags and becoming a failed state. She said unity is the spirit that ensures democracy and good governance.
"Freedom and Democracy in Trinidad and Tobago are under threat. Patrick Manning and his willing henchmen now control every important aspect of our economic and social lives, while allowing criminals to inflict terror on our country.
"They are determined to turn the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago into their personal fiefdom so that they can use our money while they abuse the population of our country.
"Trinidad and Tobago is doomed under the arrogant regime of the Mannings," she warned.
She spoke about a divided opposition adding that "We must acknowledge the fact that only the division of the opposition has kept the PNM in power for 42 of the last 53 years, since before our independence."
And she appealed to all opposition groups to unite. "Whatever differences exist in ideology or personality among the Opposition parties must now be put aside...The future of our only motherland, Trinidad and Tobago, is at stake," she said.
"We cannot let personal emotion or ambition distract us from liberating the people of Trinidad and Tobago," Persad-Bissessar said.
Declaring that the UNC puts "our country first" Persad-Bissessar said her party and the Democratic National Assembly (DNA) have signed a Coalition Accord aimed at changing the current regime.
She called the accord reached with DNA leader Dr. Kirk Meighoo and the party's Tobago branch “one step for politicians but one with the potential of becoming a giant leap for the Nation”
And she said her next step in the movement for opposition unity is to meet with Congress of the People (COP) leader Winston Dookeran, whom she described as "a dedicated, well informed and experienced politician who also has the Nation’s well-being at heart." She added, "I expect Mr Dookeran to say yes to Unity and yes to patriotism."
She said, "Pride, ego, vanity ,vaulting ambitions and selfishness at a time like this must yield to love of country and concern for the generations yet unborn...Extra-ordinary circumstances such as the Manning threat calls for extra ordinary measures."
She also appealed to PNM supporters who have had enough of Manning "to join the co-operative move and mobilize their communities and show that the removal of Manning is in the national interest."
She ended her speech quoting the Mighty Sparrow:
“Now is the time to rebuild, make up your mind to climb the hill..show your patriotic spirit...If Trinidad ever needed you is Now...”
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