Saturday, May 30, 2009

PM's Indian Arrival Day message

"It is now one hundred and sixty-four years since the arrival of the first East Indian indentured labourers to Trinidad and Tobago.

"This was the start of a process that transformed our country in a most positive and fundamental way. It marked the entry into the nation’s economic and social life of a people who now constitute a very significant percentage of the country’s population; and who have made a most enduring contribution to the stable and dynamic democracy that is Trinidad and Tobago today.

"The history of East Indian indentureship is filled with heroism. It is a story of ordinary men and women, and herein lies the extraordinariness of the experience. With little or nothing, these most humble and vulnerable people, under severest challenges, struggled with monumental courage to creatively shape their lives in a strange and oppressive environment.

"Amazingly, they succeeded, and their efforts have been a great boon to Trinidad and Tobago. They made a pivotal contribution to the foundations of our nation. Their descendants took up the baton of their ancestors and have been running the distance ever since.

"There can be no question about the continuing enrichment being made by citizens of East Indian origin to the strength of Trinidad and Tobago. They contribute enormously in all fields of national endeavour.

"We salute both ancestors and offspring on this historic occasion.

"This is a time when we draw inspiration from this heroic chapter of our nation’s history. I therefore wish to commend the example of our East Indian forbears to the youth of our nation.

"In this modern world of illusory quick fixes, our youth must be taught to develop the inner resilience that is necessary to overcome the challenges of life. The story of our East Indian forbears is a treasure trove of inspiration for present and future generations.

"I therefore thank those who, every year, continue to celebrate this essentially victorious aspect of our nation’s history.

"On this occasion we must also remember the arrival of all others who came from distant shores and who made equally pivotal and inspiring contributions to the development of the society.

"Our history is that of a common struggle of our people to find meaning and fulfilment; a struggle that culminated in triumph with the attainment of the Independence of Trinidad and Tobago. It is an achievement that must be held up to all generations.

"As we celebrate Arrival Day, let us give thanks for the entrenched harmony of our diverse society and the example of fraternity in the midst of variety that we undoubtedly set to the world.

"Our government is irrevocably committed to the policy of unity in diversity. Here there must always be an equal place for all. Therefore the celebration of Arrival Day is not only exemplary remembrance of that historic event one hundred and sixty four years ago, but also a profound tribute to Trinidad and Tobago itself and the enlightened civilisation that we are building in this country.

"On behalf of the Government, I extend greetings and best wishes to all on this most auspicious occasion."

- Patrick Manning, Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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