Attorney General Bridgid Annisette-George said last week Montano has all the powers of the president and is legally empowered to make the appointments.
But the senate president prefers to leave it to Richards, although he is willing to begin the process of finding people to serve.
He told reporters, "I will move the process forward on behalf of the president. I will try to find suitable candidates who are willing to serve and submit the names for the ultimate selection of the president. They will be his appointments."
And he dismissed as "nonsense" suggestions that he should not make the appointments because he is a political appointee who is closely connected to the governing party and could be summarily fired from his senate post by the prime minister.
Commenting on Friday's resignation of commissioner Llyda Baba, opposition leader Basdeo Panday said he feels that the whole process had become tainted. He again called for the resignation of the head of state.
"...the president is the one who got us there in the first place to have him be the one to start the new process. The president has no alternative but to resign. I mean no disrespect or ill-will against him. None, whatsoever. It is just that he has found himself in an untenable position."
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