Warner invited Democratic Party strategist and media commentator Donna Brazile to "inspire the youth" of Trinidad and Tobago. Brazile is expected to arrive Saturday to address the conference on Sunday.
The Chaguanas MP is in the process of building what he says will be a "new UNC" that involves dramatic changes to meet the political challenges of the 21st century to prepare itself to be an alternative to the governing People's National Movement (PNM).
He is making a great effort to communicate his message of change to the nation's youth and get them involved in the political process. He has said some members of the current leadership in the UNC are not serious about embracing the youth.
Warner believes that no party that is serious about aspiring to govern the nation can leave out the youth, which is one of the largest constituencies in the country. However he says the summit is a non-political event.
Warner said he invited Brazile primarily because of her role in inspiring the American youth ahead of the presidential election that sent Barack Obama to the White House.
“I contacted Obama’s campaign team last year, and was told that Brazile was best-equipped to advise the youth about political change...My only hope is she can share her experiences in the U.S. to demonstrate the importance of the youth in not just the electoral process but in everyday life," he said.
Brazile, 50, is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University, author, a syndicated columnist, and the Vice Chair of Voter Registration and Participation at the Democratic National Committee.
She began her political career at the age of nine when she worked to support the campaign of a city council candidate who promised to build a playground in her neighborhood.
She worked on every presidential campaign from 1976 through 2000, when she served as presidential campaign manager for former Vice President Al Gore. She is one of the people who contributed significantly to the election of Obama.
Brazile is the author of the best-selling autobiography "Cooking with Grease: Stirring the Pots in American Politics".
She serves as a political contributor on CNN and a consultant to ABC News, regularly appearing as a commentator on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos". She is also a frequent contributor to National Public Radio's "News and Notes".
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