Sunday, April 19, 2009

The summit photo that never got taken

There should have been a group photo of the heads of governments who attended the fifth Summit of the Americas that ended in Port of Spain Sunday afternoon. But it never got taken.

It was part of the frustration that marred the event that Prime Minister Patrick Manning had hoped would present a positive image of the twin-island state. He had gone as far as erecting a wall to hide the slums on the fringe of the capital city from the view of leaders and delegates.

In the end Manning had to concede that things didn't go well. "It is not easy to put together a conference of this nature," he told the international media. "I am sure that our arrangements have not been perfect."

Here is how The Associated Press reported the 'photo' finish.

"The parting group photo of the fifth Summit of Americas never happened.

"Why exactly was a mystery, but the collapse followed organizational shortcomings that even the Caribbean host country acknowledged.

"At the Diplomatic Centre where the 34 leaders held their final retreat, several came out Sunday and took their place on name cards taped to the building's front steps. Argentine President Cristina Fernandez had apparently put some thought into the photo. She wore a bright pink dress.

"But after about half the leaders had gathered, President Barack Obama was seen shaking the hand of the summit's host, Prime Minister Patrick Manning of Trinidad and Tobago. Obama was clearly heading out; he had a news conference scheduled at a nearby hotel.

"Bolivian President Evo Morales had apparently already left. Venezuela's Hugo Chavez was nowhere to be seen.

"A member of the host country delegation, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the embarrassing nature of the situation, expressed alarm. "For some reason they came out bit by bit, piece by piece. One by one. But the photo never happened," the official said.

"Manifestations of disorganization at the summit included the host country's failure to provide transcripts of speeches, cancelled news conferences and a temporary ban Saturday of news media pools - in which small groups of journalists attend events and later share their material with colleagues.

"In closing remarks Sunday, Manning acknowledged the difficulties. "It is not easy to put together a conference of this nature," he said. "I am sure that our arrangements have not been perfect."

"As for a group photo, one was indeed taken Saturday. All 34 leaders were in it.

"At this month's Group of 20 summit in London, (Canadian) Prime Minister Stephen Harper was an unexpected no-show for the initial group photo of leaders.

"The photo imbroglio became the talk of the summit, with foreign journalists quizzing their Canadian counterparts about British reports that Harper was "in the loo" when the first photo was taken.

"Harper demurred, explaining that he was in fact being briefed by advisers."

-Associated Press

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