Friday, April 24, 2009

A political view: Guest column by Ronald Bhola

Throughout recorded history, men have shaped their lives by shaping events under their control, and influencing those not directly under their control.

Leaders are not ordinary men. Some are patient, others not; but determination is what sets them apart from the flock.

The change that is taking place within the UNC, is causing anxiety among many, and apprehension by many others too. This is so, because for an entire generation, a significant part of this country saw Basdeo Panday as their pre-eminent leader.

Now all of that has changed, and adjustment to the new realities is causing all kinds of problems. Since August 2003 with the closure of Caroni Ltd, there no longer exists any Caroni base. This is what gave Mr Panday his political life.

Mr Panday knows this more than many, and in order to give the impression of still having power, Mr Panday has been appointing and dismissing Senators at whim. This is the only power that Mr Panday has, and his indiscretions in this regard has only made things worse for him.

The Parliamentary website gives a list of at least 26 Senators, that Mr Panday has appointed, in recent years since the closure of Caroni Ltd. This is a vulgar exercise of power. This is the action of an autocrat that must be stopped.

How is this to be achieved ?

The actions of Jack Warner and Ramesh Maharaj have had the most devastating effect on Mr Panday, throughout his political career. That blow has been so devastating, that he was unable to go to the base that he previously would have gone to.

The prowess of these two gentlemen, is something that political commentators must take serious note of, since some kind of history is in the making.

Henry Mintzberg’s: Power in and Around Organizations quotes A.O. Hirschman’s small but provocative book entitled Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, where that author makes the point, that Voice is political action par excellence.

Of the three options of leaving, staying quiet and voice, voice is a far more messy concept, because it can be graduated from faint grumbling to violent protest. Leaving has been branded as criminal, for it has been labelled desertion, defection, and treason. Speaking out is the apogee of political strategy.

It was used by Mr Panday to bring down Mr Robinson. Now the shoe is on the other foot. And so what does the future portend ?

Currently there are three political juggernauts on the scene. Austin Jack Warner, Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj and Winston Dookeran. Mr Dookeran is political leader of the COP. Though having lost the 2007 General Elections, that he has kept his party together is testimony that there is a constituency that likes his gravitas and are loyal to his vision of ‘New Politics’.

Both Austin Jack Warner and Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj won internal party elections as Deputy Political Leaders on slates opposed to Mr Panday and on separate occasions. In another missive I will share my thinking on each of these three leaders.

You can be assured of some interesting insights. In any case If Mr Panday is so confident of his recent appointment then he should call internal party elections now!

Ronald Bhola

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai