Thursday, April 9, 2009

Warner praises Panday, but won't abandon the struggle for change in the UNC

Jack Warner led a team of UNC politicians and activists into the UNC heartland Wednesday and pledged to work to re-brand the party that Basdeo Panday founded.

"I am here tonight to bring healing and to stop the hurting," he told the large crowd. "I am here tonight to open new frontiers and, at the same time, to avoid the temptations to participate in the vindictiveness of the past. I am here tonight to mobilize our people to fight against the tide of evil that has taken over this land."

And he was clear that the evil was embodied in the governing People's National Movement, which has engaged in a orgy of waste, and disdain for the average citizen, not the UNC.

Warner disappointed those who attended hoping to hear "gutter talk" and divisiveness. Instead they heard the UNC Deputy Leader speak of what he said was a crisis "which faces us as a people, as a Party".

The Chaguanas West MP made it clear that he had never been and never intends to be "a party to, or an accomplice of, mayhem or destruction." He declared, "I am here to build tonight not to break down my brothers and sisters. Tonight, as we stand at the crossroads of our destiny, we are faced with many options and challenges that would frighten the weak of heart".

He spoke of the lawlessness that has gripped the nation, the squandering of the state's resources to build monuments like the prime minister's residence while people can't buy food for their children. He lamented the breakdown of the health services while the relevant ministry squanders $44,000 a month on a foreign communications consultant.

"The social decadence my brothers and sisters is not the proliferation of murders which have now become the order of the day; but instead it is the deprivation of the basic human needs to survive which seems to be the policy of this government of Trinidad and Tobago," he said. "And this is what this struggle is all about."

He explained that the struggle is not about him or who holds the reins of power in the UNC. And he was adamant that he has no problem with Basdeo Panday or any other members of the UNC. "For me it is not about a person, but an ideology. That is why this struggle for change is not about Basdeo Panday.

"I have stood with Panday through thick and thin. I have supported him emotionally, financially and politically. I have been his friend and brother in arms. I have been vilified, criticized and ostracized for this support but I will do it all over again if I have to. I bear Basdeo Panday no grudge," he said.

But he said the time has come for a change in government and insisted that such a change cannot happen "if we remain the same old UNC". He explained some of the changes that he wants to see, including a demand for internal elections "so that we know whom you the members of the Party want to lead you. We cannot decide that my dear members! You must decide that!" he declared, adding that not even UNC founder Basdeo Panday can decide that because "The UNC belongs to you".

He rejected the notion that the vote must wait until after the local government election and suggested that waiting indefinitely means that the UNC is allowing Prime Minister Patrick Manning to define the UNC political agenda.

"And if we call it now and put our house in order, will we not become more attractive to the voters?" he asked. "When I say hold internal Party elections now it is because you the members have told me so. This is not a Warner, Ramesh or Gypsy demand; it is yours. And if we are wrong, then vote us out and vote in guys who have not presented a financial report of the Party for the last twenty years."

Warner said he is also seeking a change of heart in the approach to opposition unity. "How much longer are we going to go on condemning COP and its supporters, calling them COPSE in the night and hoping to embrace them in the day!"

He said if the UNC is serious about forming the next government it must find ways to work with the COP and other political groups that are opposed to Manning. He asked, "What is wrong about seeking such a change? Why should anyone become one’s enemy within the UNC if the first word in our acronym is UNITED?"

He made a call for change, which he described as a necessary part of life. Then he asked his audience this: "Don’t you want to change the way things are going in the country? Don’t you want to change the UNC from being an Opposition Party to a ruling Party?"

He said if UNC supporters want their party to be in government they must embrace change, which "has to begin with us first. The same old, same old is not working and, in the meantime, Trinidad & Tobago moves from crisis to crisis."

The Chaguanas West MP was emphatic that for him failure is not an option. "I have always taken hard decisions and have always done what I perceive to be right not what is popular. I cannot stand idly by and see our Party failing and say nothing or speak only inside to those who are opposed to change and who, in the main, have caused us to be where we are today as a Party."

He said he is optimistic about the future. "We can do better, we must do better and we will do better."

Warner said the UNC must present a brand of leadership that is without question a reflection of the country's democracy.

"As a Party, our brand of leadership must reflect a caring, transformational, dynamic leadership that will encourage and instill confidence in the people we hope to serve.

"As a Party, our brand of leadership must demonstrate that there is a meaningful respect for the minority and dissonant voices and, as a Party, our brand of leadership must demonstrate the creativity necessary to lead this country.

"Any organisation that constantly seeks change is an organisation that is constantly reflecting and what was done yesterday is never the standard by how it judges itself tomorrow...Our constituents must always believe that their officials have integrity and will act in their best interest."

He said, it was and still is "my firm belief that as men and women within the United National Congress-A, and I keep the A in this political family which others so casually rejected, yes, as men and women within the United National Congress, I believe that there exists a type of mettle that would allow us to discuss matters with respect as we seek to build a stronger Party to face the nation at the polls.

"It seems as though every time we have the opportunity to ascend to the citadels of power and extirpate the evils that currently plague our society that we distract ourselves with infighting rather than consolidate and prepare to celebrate the victory.

"The will to change requires fortitude and a firmness of mind to endure pain, insults and abuse without becoming acrimonious. The will to change requires a conviction in belief and a commitment to act regardless of the consequences.

"The will to change is a lonely battle but those who will, must stand against the self interests of those who oppose it. The consequences must never be a deterrent to leaders who are determined to challenge the ideology of self serving cliques in their fight to offer a better future."

Warner said the UNC must realize that Trinidad and Tobago will not yield to obsolete dogmas and outworn slogans. "We are not afraid of being called “Neemarkarams” for your sake".

He added, "Our party must be cognizant of the fact that as citizens of Trinidad & Tobago, we prefer the excitement of change than the illusion of security. As a people, we are rejecting old dictatorial ways and, instead, are seeking a new path to include all in discussions as we build a Party that is truly a national representation.

"We need to create a movement that can unite and excite all peoples of our country and create a place where every creed and every race can truly find an equal place."

He spoke about Panday and his contribution of his struggle for justice and equality. "I do not begrudge Mr. Panday with regard to his contribution to Trinidad and Tobago politics; on the contrary, I am proud as a Trinbagonian of what he has accomplished in his lifetime; his resilience, his courage just to name a few and against that background I insist that, in spite of all that has been said not only about me but about us that we create a legacy fit for the honour of Basdeo Panday.

"What better legacy can be created than a renaissance of our Party where we embrace change and we signal to the nation that we are a democracy that is truly representative of our people?

"What better legacy can be created than a re-branding of the UNC image that signals to all that in this party every creed and race can find an equal place? What better legacy can be created than for Mr. Panday to lead the charge for change that would result in our Party embracing new generations, new ideas and new energy that takes us into government?

"If we as Party can achieve this, I am confident that it will be creating the greatest legacy fit for the honour and memory of Basdeo Panday for all time.

"My people, now is the time for change, let’s embrace it. I leave you with one clear message tonight and let it be this. That Jack Warner has no fight with anybody within the UNC, but I do have a war to win against Patrick Manning and victory to secure for you through the UNC.

"And I will not rest nor stay quiet until I achieve that", he concluded.

Watch Jack Warner's speech on YOUTUBE

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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