This is the first-ever Canadian national award program for immigrants - a people's choice award that recognizes individuals who have made a difference to the nation's national fabric since arriving in Canada. Individuals have until March 31 to vote for a person who is his or her opinion is the most deserving for this ward. The winners would be announced on May 9, 2009.
Your vote will determine who is named in the top 25 list.
Dr. Chadee, who is the founder of the Hanuman mission, has received numerous accolades and awards.
They include the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship, June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism in Ontario, Ontario Volunteer Service Award, Ontario Spirit Tsunami Award, the Diverisity and Community Engagement Award from the Town of Ajax and the Governor General's Caring Canadian Award in 2008.

Here are the details:
"I’m writing to you today to let you know that voting has begun for an exciting, new awards program for Canadian immigrants, the Top 25 Canadian Immigrants of 2009. We’ve received hundreds of nominations from across Canada and we're proud to present our 75 finalists for the first national people’s choice awards for immigrants.
"Now, it’s up to Canada to decide on who should make it to our Top 25 Canadian Immigrants of 2009 list. It’s quick and easy to do, simply go online at www.canadianimmigrant.ca/top25 and follow the 3 steps to cast your vote.
"Remember, the Top 25 finalists with the most votes will make it to the final Top 25 Canadian Immigrants of 2009 list. And, all voters automatically are entered to WIN a $500 Visa® Gift Card issued by RBC®.
"Voting closes March 31, 2009 and the Top 25 winners will be announced in May, 2009. Now, we’re reaching out to various communities to help spread the word across Canada and we’d be pleased if you forward this email to your contacts to celebrate this awards program.
"As someone who has worked with new Canadians, you may even know one of our 75 finalists – all of whom are inspiring immigrants who have made their Canadian dreams a reality.
"Best regards,
"Varun Munjal | Canadian Immigrant Magazine – A division of Toronto Star newspapers" www.canadianimmigrant.ca
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