Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Questions about T&T Finance Minister's competence

With all the requests, nay demands, that Karen Nunez-Tesheira either retire (roll over) or be fired, if her latest statement that the CLICO Investment Bank (CIB) accounts which she closed on December 31 last year, before they matured later this year, had actually matured previously and were "rolled over" and, as such, that she did not realise and was not informed by anyone at CIB that she was, in fact, breaking the accounts, is to be believed then that alone is sufficient reason for the PM to remove her immediately.

That any individual should display such gross ignorance of simple banking procedure for their own Fixed Deposits should occupy such a sensitive one as she does in the Finance Ministry can only now be considered a national disgrace.

Can you imagine what can take place with OUR savings and taxes under her supervision if that is her understanding of the financial world?

If she doesn't know when her own Fixed Deposits mature, albeit millions, how on earth can one expect her to know what is going on with the nation's billions?

Further there is apparently evidence that she attached her signature to a letter, or form, requesting that these deposits be broken.

As I understand it, Ms. Nunez-Tesheira is a lawyer. She surely then understands what her statements represent.

Lord help us is all I can say, because it seems that we as a nation are not prepared to help ourselves, in which case we must be even more ignorant than she.

Come again Ms. Nunez-Tesheira, we are not all that simple - nor do a great many of us think you are, which paints an even worse scenario. If PM Manning does not heed the national and opposition calls at this juncture for her dismissal it can only be considered further confirmation of the utter disdain which he holds for the electorate in general.

URP and CEPEP may end up being his only (albeit large and strong) allies - and look what Ministry has now been charged with their supervision (his wife's - Local Government)!!.

By the by, does this mean that we will we now have those seemingly persistently delayed Local Government elections? That delay alone seems undemocratic.

Please don't cry a river of tears fellow citizens when it is too late and you discover that the country is probably broke (AGAIN) after a boom, and you have lost half, if not all, of your rights too.

The price of democracy is constant vigilance my friends.

Those of you who have been sleeping for the past eight years or so, roll over and wake up - before it is too late. It's time for Ms. Nunez-Tesheira to " ROLL OVER" or be "ROLLED OVER" too. Time for some integrity here.

Virginia Verity | via e/mail

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai