Monday, March 2, 2009

PM's residence cost $243.9 million: UDeCOTT

The Prime Minister's residence and diplomatic centre in St. Ann's was originally budgeted at $40 million, then rose $148 million and in September last year the government said it actually cost $175.3 million.

But UDeCOTT documents submitted to the Uff enquiry into the construction sector show a different story. Major variations take the total to $243.9 million - more than six times the original estimate of $40 million.

Here's how UDeCOTT breaks down the cost:
  • Construction contract sum - $148million
  • Variations (including drapes and blinds, furniture, kitchen and bedclothes) -$38million
  • Utilities, landscaping, media room - $6.4million
  • Consultants (Genivar, Udecott) - $10million
  • Contingency, miscellaneous - $5.3million
  • VAT and import duty - $36.2million
TOTAL $243.9million (end of 2008)

In September last year Minister in the Ministry of Finance Mariano Brown said the cost of the PM’s residence rose from $148 million to $175.3 million due to project variations.

He was responding to a question from Opposition Senator Wade Mark. Browne told the Senate, “As far as I know that is the final construction cost, but as you are aware when one moves into a place and undertakes functions, things come up from time to time.”

He didn't provide any details of the consultancy fees or the cost of utilities for the project and said the total project variations amounted to $27.3million. He also did not disclose projected VAT costs to be incurred by SCG specifically for the PM’s residence.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai