He made the change in a brief letter to the Speaker/Deputy Speaker of the House Representatives, dated March 31, 2009. It comes as no surprise. Maharaj had been telling everybody that his time as Chief Whip was limited.
Last week the Parliamentary caucus of the United National Congress (UNC) passsed a motion of no confidence in Maharaj and asked Panday to relieve him of his duties. Panday initially said he would meet Maharaj first to discuss the matter.
Maharaj didn't respond to Panday's call but told reporters he would be fired. Last Friday he sat in the Chief Whip's chair. Panday later met with him and advised him of the decision of his colleagues, but did not say immediately what decision he had made.
For several months a rift has been growing between Maharaj and the majority of caucus members. He and Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner have been clamouring for change and for internal elections. That caused a divide with Maharaj and Warner on one side and the rest of the caucus and the UNC's national executive on the other.
Last Wednesday when the caucus passed the no confidence motion in Maharaj, Mayaro MP Winston "Gypsy" Peters refused to sign on and told reporters the real problem in the party is Panday. He has since said he would sit with Maharaj and Warner in the back bench.
That leaves Panday with the support of 11 other MPs.
Here is Panday's letter:
The Hon. Speaker/Deputy Speaker,
House of Representatives,
Office of the Parliament,
Red House,
Abercromby Street,
Dear Sir/Madam,
Appointment of Chief Whip
I hereby revoke the appointment of the Hon. Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj, Member of Parliament for Tabaquite, as Opposition Chief Whip and appoint Dr. the Hon. Hamza Rafeeq, Member for Caroni Central as Opposition Chief Whip with effect April 1, 2009.
Your kind co-operation will be appreciated.
Basdeo Panday
M.P. Couva North
Leader of the Opposition
Cc: The Hon Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj
Member of Parliament for Tabaquite
The Hon. Hamza Rafeeq
Member of Parliament for Caroni Central
In an immediate response to the change on the front bench of the opposition, Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner wrote the Deputy Speaker of the House asking to be relocated on the back bench next to Maharaj.
"Should the Honourable Ramesh L. Maharaj be discharged from his duties as Opposition Chief Whip, I am respectfully requesting that the seat for Chaguanas West be relocated in the back bench of the Opposition next to the Member of Parliament for Tabaquite," Warner wrote in a letter dated March 31, 2009.
He stated further, "I humbly request your advice on the matter, bearing in mind that I will not be in Parliament as advised in an earlier correspondence."
Warner is visiting the U.S. and Egypt on FIFA business until next week and will miss the sitting of Parliament on April 3, 2009 when the change will take place.
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