The child in question is Shania Tewarie. She was holding a pro-change placard on Sunday when a scuffle broke out at the Reinzi complex as officials blocked supporters on the change platform from attending the party's congress.
Reports say Tewarie was injured in the jostling and suffered a sprained wrist when a UNC Member of Parliament allegedly snatched the placard from her. A police report was filed after the incident. The MP in question has since denied that he was involved.
The ad has upset Caroni East MP, Dr Tim Goopeesingh who told reporters it is likely to further divide the already splintered UNC membership.
“I believe that they are appealing for public sympathy from these ads but they will obviously divide the party because supporters are already experiencing feelings of insecurity after witnessing what transpired on Sunday,” he said.
Gopeesingh said the political meeting was “no place for children.” And he said MPs Ramesh L. Maharaj and Jack Warner should take full responsibility for what happened to the young girl. Maharaj and Warner have been clamouring for change in the party.
The girl’s mother, Jacqueline, said she gave her permission for her daughter’s image to be used in an ad.
She said she is bothered by the manner in which she and her child were treated for exercising their rights, adding that the UNC had treated them as “accused persons”. She said based on what happened on Sunday she is now skeptical of attending any other political meetings.
But the issue is raising ethical questions about whether the child has become a pawn in the UNC power struggle. The ad is an emotional one, showing the girl holding her hand, with a caption "And all I asked for was change!"
Some commentators have said it is in poor taste to exploit the child in such a manner.
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