Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ad Associates latest poster on UNC reform

(click on image to see larger poster)

Changuanas Advertising executive Rawlins Boodhan is continuing his one-man campaign for reform in the United national Congress (UNC). Boodhan, who is a member of the party, has been creating and circulating posters calling for change in the party. His latest appeal is for everyone to speak up.

Boodhan is a strong supporter of his Chaguanas West MP, Jack Warner, who has publicly called for the UNC to embrace change or risk becoming irrelevant.

Warner has said he believes in the UNC and its leader Basdeo Panday but he is disappointed that the party is not seizing the opportunity to be proactive in attacking the government for its missteps. He also wants the party to hold internal elections and work on opposition unity.

Boodhan says he believes that's the way of the future for the party. While his one-man crusade has not made any significant change so far, he is not giving up.

According to Boodhan, "You only fail when you stop trying."

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Jai & Sero

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