It is also a time for thanksgiving prayers, for the family get together, for love, goodwill and generosity, for greetings, gifts and sweets. We thank God and pray for prosperity in the New Year.
The holy Vedas states: 'God is not only Father but Mother also.' Mother Lakshmi, born out of the ocean of milk, is the Goddess of beauty, light, knowledge, purity, wealth and good fortune. The Goddess is celebrated in our daughter, sister, niece, wife, aunt and mother.
Divali also celebrates many great events for Hindus: the marriage of Divine Mother Lakshmi to Lord Vishnu; the death of wicked king Naraksura at the hands of Lord Krishna; Lord Vishnu's humbling of arrogant Balli; the day Great King Vikram Aditya ascended his throne; the visit of generous King Mahaballi; the return of Princess Deepa, and prosperity to her kingdom.
Goddess Kali is worshipped at Diwali, to banish all evil from the world.
Diwali is also a celebration of the end of Lord Rama's 14 years in exile, his victory over the demon king Rawan and his triumphant return to assume his rightful place as king.
Millions of lights showed the way to Holy City Ayodhya, itself aglow with lights on Divali night.
Goddess Saraswati and Lord Ganesh, in the company of Mother Laksmi are worshipped at Divali. We pray to Saraswati, goddess of learning, temporal and spiritual, and goddess of music and the arts.
We pray to Lord Ganesh, the all powerful elephant headed god of wisdom and good fortune, the remover of obstacles, for his blessings for success to attend all our undertakings.
Goddess Lakshmi visits every home on Divali night, and lives in that home which is beautiful and clean, where peace, harmony, knowledge and goodness dwell, and where beautiful lights brighten the home to welcome everyone.
Goddess Laksmi comes out of a lotus flower, holds lotus flowers in her hands, the lotus flowers representing purity. Her other hands are giving. As Goddess of wealth Mother Lakshmi shares her wealth with everyone who worships her.
At Divali time we welcome visitors, especially Mother Laksmi, who will bless us with wealth, happiness and prosperity. Divali lights are our prayer, as in the sanskrit verse: 'Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya.' -'Lead us O Divine Mother from darkness into light, From ignorance into knowledge.'
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