Friday, March 28, 2008

Moonilal defends Panday, dubs HOR Jurassic Park

Opposition Member of Parliament Dr. Roodal Moonilal has reacted angrily to the suspension of Opposition Leader Basdeo Panday from Parliament, saying the House of Representatives had become "Jurassic Park."

"Imagine in these modern times, when information technology is being integrated into all walks of life, a legislator is suspended for using a computer," Moonilal declared.

He noted that the suspension took place even as the Ministry of Public Administration has just signed a multi-million-dollar contract for the introduction of one-touch Singapore-type technological developments in the public service.

Moonilal said: "This is a government that speaks of Vision 2020!"

He said that an MP is forbidden from using a computer, even though they can read, fall asleep and snore. "This is backwardness at the highest," said Moonilal, the Oropouche East MP.

"This is another shameful day in the PNM Government; this is obscene and describes the banana republic that this country has become under the PNM."

He said that there was no Standing Orders or stipulation in May’s Parliamentary Procedure over the use of a computer during a sitting of the House. Moonilal wondered aloud whether Speaker Barendra Sinanan hadn’t personalised the issue in light of Panday’s defiance.

He said, "The Speaker has been targeting Mr. Panday and the PNM, at all costs wanted Mr. Panday out. They tried the courts and failed."

The MP said that the Speaker has not taken any action against government MPs for not answering questions posed by the opposition. The matter would be raised with the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and "would be taken to the streets".

The suspension took place on Private Members’ Day, a day set aside for matters raised by the opposition. Debate was due to take place on a motion by Cumuto-Manzanilla MP Harry Partap on high food prices.

Moonilal noted that Panday used his laptop computer during the past three sittings while Sinanan was abroad and Deputy Speaker Pennelope Beckles took the chair.

Shortly after the drama in Parliament, Prime Minister Patrick Manning huddled all his Members of Parliament for an impromptu social get-together at his official residence at St. Anns.

Manning threw the party at his $148 million residence after Speaker Barendra Sinanan suspended Opposition Leader Basdeo Panday from the sitting of the House of Representatives. Sinanan then aborted the Private Members’ Day sitting.

While PNM parliamentarians feted, Panday pledged to return to Parliament next Friday with his computer laptop, the source of the controversy that led to his suspension.

In fact, Panday vowed that all opposition MPs would walk to Parliament with their laptops. He accused Sinanan of being vindictive.

The opposition Leader claimed that the Speaker was "attempting to set up a regime to prevent the opposition from doing the job for which it was elected, which is to hold the government to account."

He said the caucus of the United National Congress would discuss the matter.

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