"My brothers and sisters, soldiers of the UNC/A, the unofficial results seem to indicate that the PNM has won 26 seats, the UNC/A has won 15 seats and the COP no seats. We will accept these results when they are confirmed by the EBC.
"Assuming that they are correct, then the PNM has won the elections. In fact is in fact so, it is the mafia that has won.
"I wish to congratulate all the candidates of the UNC-A, the agents and supporters, the UNC-A's several campaign teams, for your support. I want to thank also all the peole who have contributed financially to this struggle and otherwise for their generous support. If I were to start mentioning names of all those who have made this tremendous performance possible, it would take all night, and I would still leave out so many of you to whom I owe a great debt of gratitude. Thank you all and God bless you.
"If the PNM is really going to be a yoke around your necks for another five years, it is because of some of those who voted for the PNM, those who voted for the Corpse and those who did not vote at all.
"They are the ones that are responsible for the PNM and the crime and corruption, incompetence, malice and discrimination which this country have to endure for five more years.
"I want to say to every one of you who voted for Corpse, every time oone of your family or friends is murdered, kidnapped, beaten, robbed and raped, I want you to go in front of a mirror and look at yourself. And I want you to confess to yourself because you are responsible because you voted PNM or you voted COP or you did not vote at all.
"Winston Dookeran, not all thy tears and all thy regrets shall wash away and inch of what you have done to yourself and your country. Shame on you! And shame on the Corpse!
"To my loyal and devoted supporters of the UNC, I say do not bow or cringe before any man but STAND TALL! We have no intention of lying down, rolling over or dying. The struggle goes on.
"We must not abandon the thousands of persons who have supported us, giving us their blood, sweat and tears. Since we cannot abandon these people we must let them know that we shall never give up the fight for the creation of a society in which all peoples are treated equally, where there is freedom and justice for all, where there is no discrimination and victimization.
"In the new dimension of our struggle we may have to resort to other methods of struggle to preserve our freedoms and liberties.
"We may have lost this round but we shall never abandon our people. "I ask you to go home in peace and on the morrow we shall chart a new course of dedicated struggle to bring happiness to all our people.
"Thank you and God bless you all."
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