Monday, February 7, 2011

Warner meets 600 at Chaguanas West during marathon "national" constituency day

Marathon runner Granny Luces was one of the hundreds who went to meet with Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner

Jack Warner took an unusual step on Saturday and invited anyone from any constituency in the country who had an issue with delivery of government services to visit him at his very Chaguanas West constituency office.

And hundreds did. 

The Works and Transport Minister held a marathon session, which ended at half past one Sunday morning during which he met nearly 600 people, many from outside of Chaguanas West. Some came from as far as Cedros and Tobago.

Warner said the unusual “constituency day” was in keeping with his commitment to serve the people regardless of where they live. People began arriving at the Chaguanas West office as early as 5 a.m.

The full office staff was available to help with the exercise, as well as attorneys Om Lalla and Ashwani Mahabir.

Officials from government ministries were also present to deal with issues raised by visitors to the office.

Warner said as an MP he is committed to meeting any person who had issues concerning the delivery of services provided by the State.

"Politicians who are elected into office take an oath under the Constitution to act in the interest of the people. We are elected to serve,” he said.

“Our Prime Minister has given a strong mandate to deliver and that is what I intend to do. As far as this exercise is concerned I am heartened by the fact that the people feel a sense of hope that the People's Partnership can deliver.

“That hope inspires me and others in Cabinet to make Trinidad and Tobago a better place", Warner added.

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